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Gary’s Story

Gary RobinsonLove your neighbor as yourself”.  Matthew 22:39  

Going Beyond Limits.  Day 320 & Random Act of Kindness 1

     My cousin challenged me to do this #AffecttheCulture Challenge. So, here is my first story…

Sunday I returned from Las Vegas and my father drove me back to South Carolina from Atlanta. On the way back we came across a bad two-car accident. A vehicle traveling westbound crossed the median and ran head on to an eastbound car ahead of us. When we pulled over, the car closest to us was filling up with smoke and a woman was still inside.

She was disoriented, but I was able to pull her out and carry her away from the car. Her ankle was definitely broken. My Dad went across the road to help the other woman but she was badly hurt and there were a number of other folks beginning to help. We stayed with the woman that we pulled from the car until the EMS folks arrived. I didn't get her name but I shared a moment with this complete stranger to talk and to calm her down.

She was headed home to South Carolina. I prayed for both of these women and their families. Now, please understand. I share this story because being a follower of Christ also means that we live what we believe.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself." This is what we are all called to do. Be of service to someone other than yourself and not for the sake of gaining something in return. I post this story not for me but for the example it shows to others. #GoingBeyondLimits FaceBook
